Review: Dear Luke (2 of 5 stars)



I really wanted to like this book. Really wanted to like it. It sounded fun and unique and like just the kind of book I would like to read. What was actually presented fell drastically short of my expectations.

‘Dear Luke’ is a series of pokes at various pop culture items. A brand manager trying to work on making the island from ‘Lost’ a tourist destination, Welp (a parody of Yelp) reviews on restaurants from various television shows, a series of journal entries from Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island, in addition to a series of failed Superbowl halftime show proposals for the entirety of the history of the Superbowl that are interspersed through the book.

While this book did have some fun sections, all-in-all I found it to be unimaginative and uninspired. For some of the chapters I am willing to credit my lack of knowledge over certain aspects of pop culture as the reason why I might not have found it funny. With others, I got all the aspects of the references… they just were not funny! For example, for the Welp reviews, instead of coming up with a clever joke about the locations from the angle of them being a real location, the majority made reference to the fact that one wall was not present and it looked like cameras and people were milling around where the wall should be. We get it. It was a television show. That doesn’t make it funny.

Honestly, if I hadn’t received this book through Blogging for Books, in exchange for a review, I would not have finished it. Only my refusal to review a book I did not finish was what kept me from tossing it to the side after only getting a quarter of the way through.

Disclaimer: I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

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